Saturday, July 27

All You Need To Know About Cannabidiol

CBD, also known as Cannabidiol is often seen in media, and you can generally see it in advertisements usually of add-in booster to your post-workout smoothie or usually mixed in the morning cup of coffee.

Let’s know more about CBD:

What Is CBD In Marijuana, Cannabis, And Hemp?

CBD (Cannabidiol) is found in both the plants- hemp and marijuana.

Among the hundreds of components found in hemp and marijuana, CBD is the one that doesn’t give a “high” and is known for its medicinal properties.

Is Cannabidiol Legal?

Cannabidiol is a readily obtainable substance sold in most parts of the United States, though its exact legal laws have been in flux.

  • All 50 states of the USA have different degrees of laws and regulations related to CBD.
  • Here are the recent changes that took place in the laws related to CBD:
  • 2015- FDA eased the regulations which allowed the researchers to conduct CBD trials.
  • 2018-the FARM BILL legalized hemp in the United States, through this it was impossible to keep CBD illegal.

Note: The Farm Bill removed all-hemp derived products from the Controlled Substance Act, through this they criminalized the possession of this drug.

Through this, it came out that CBD is legal if it is extracted from hemp but not if it comes from marijuana.

Health Benefits Served By CBD:

CBD has been known for a variety of reasons, it is popular for its medicinal properties. Many researchers have seen that CBD is helpful in providing relief from many sought of mental health issues.

  • Fact: Eidiolex is the very first cannabis-derived medicine that was approved by the FDA.
  • The reason behind this is that this natural component was able to reduce seizures, and in some cases, it cured them completely. For example; as per market reports and various studies,
  • CBD helps in reducing pain, it may work for chronic pain due to its therapeutic properties and medicinal components. An animal study was conducted in which they could see that CBD could help in lowering the pain and inflammation caused due to arthritis.

NOTE: Consume CBD only after consulting your doctor, they will examine your body well and will let you know what is best for you!

It is always recommended to consume or use any CBD-based products after consulting a doctor!

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