Saturday, July 27

7 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Creating Your Sales Pipeline


As a salesperson, you believe that your pipeline is in good shape as a salesperson, but in reality, you fill most pipelines with junk.

In fact, as a sales consulting services company we’ve worked with many b2b organizations in analyzing their sales team, and what we have seen is 90% of what’s in most salespeople’s pipelines is pure junk.

The good news is that this is avoidable, and in this article we will discuss these common mistakes and provide best practices for designing and implementing an effective sales pipeline.

Understanding Sales Pipeline

A sales pipeline is a visual representation of the sales process that outlines the various stages a potential customer goes through in a sales process before making a purchase.

The sales pipeline typically includes several stages, such as prospect, lead qualification, meeting stage, needs analysis, proposal, negotiation, and closing.

A sales pipeline enables the sales team to track potential customers and their progress through each stage of the sales process.

Common Mistakes in Designing a Sales Pipeline

Mistake #1: Poorly Defined Sales Stages

One of the most common mistakes in designing a sales pipeline is having poorly defined sales stages.

Sales stages must be defined clearly to ensure that each potential customer is accurately tracked through the sales process.

This helps the sales teams to know what actions to take at each stage of the process, and it provides management with a clear view of the sales pipeline.

Mistake #2: Ineffective Lead Qualification

One of the biggest reasons why most salespeople’s pipelines suck is that they’re not effectively qualifying prospects.

Instead of trying to sell to everyone, great salespeople recognize that most prospects are not a good fit and are willing to disqualify those that are not a good fit.

It’s time to trim the fat off of your pipeline by being willing to disqualify those who are not a good fit.

This will free up your time to focus on the best prospects, improving the quality of your pipeline.

It’s better to lose a deal faster which eventually you are going to loose.

Effective lead qualification will ensure that sales teams are focused on pursuing leads with the greatest potential for success.

Mistake #3: Lack of Clear Sales Metrics

Without clear sales metrics, businesses cannot accurately track progress or make informed decisions.

Sales metrics such as conversion rates, average deal size, and sales cycle length must be established and tracked regularly.

Clear sales metrics provide management with the data needed to make informed decisions about the sales process.

Mistake #4: Inefficient Sales Process

An inefficient sales process can hinder your sales team’s performance and impact the desired revenue targets.

An inefficient sales process may include unnecessary steps, unclear sales stages, or ineffective communication between team members.

Streamlining the sales process can improve efficiency and ensure that potential customers are not lost due to a lengthy or cumbersome process.

Mistake #5: Not Getting Enough Feedback

The reason why most salespeople’s pipelines suck is that they don’t get feedback throughout the sales process.

You want to get constant feedback from the prospect on how they feel about your discussions.

Little questions like “Does this make sense in your world?” or “Do you agree with what I just said?” will let you know if you’re truly on track.

This will help you to improve the quality of your pipeline many-fold.

Mistake #6: Inconsistent Sales Messaging

You might have already heard the saying “Consistency is the key”.

Inconsistent sales messaging can lead to confusion and a lack of clarity for potential customers.

Your messaging should be consistent across all stages in your sales pipeline.

This ensures that potential customers receive a clear and consistent message about your business, its products or services, and its value proposition.

Eventually making your customer take faster decisions.

Mistake #7: Ignoring Technology

In today’s digital age, technology plays a significant role in the sales process.

Businesses that ignore technology may be at a disadvantage when it comes to managing and tracking their sales pipeline.

Sales technology, such as customer relationship management (CRM) software is a must for any business having a sales team.

Software like CRM can help businesses streamline their sales process, automate tasks, and provide real-time data and analytics to senior management.


The success of any b2b organization will depend on how its sales team performs.

And for the sales team to achieve their sales targets, a strong sales pipeline is the most crucial element.

So avoiding the above-mentioned mistakes will eventually lead to building a strong sales pipeline and achieving the desired growth for the organization.


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