Saturday, July 27

The Mouse Does’t Work. What to do& Mouse Price in Pakistan?

How to control a computer without a mouse

If the mouse on the computer is frozen and not allow switching between windows and restarting the machine? Let’s learn how to control a computer without a mouse and what the mouse price in Pakistan by mastering the simple steps describe in our article.

Laptops are easier – you can work on them using the touchpad. But there are situations when both manipulators are broken. In this case, our tips for managing a computer without a mouse will help.

How does a computer keyboard work without a mouse

Use the keyboard to control the cursor on the display. To do this, use the number keys located in a separate block on the right.

  1. Hold the Alt and Shift keys on the left and turn on the numeric keypad using Num Lock. The PC will beep and open a dialog box.
  2. With the Tab key pressed several times, select the line leading to the accessibility center, and press the spacebar.
  3. In the window, use the same Tab key to go to the pointers that control the speed of the cursor. The keyboard arrows will help you set the maximum values.
  4. Highlight the Apply button and press Enter.
  5. Close the window with Alt + F4.

We open the dialog box again as described in step 1, select the Tab button “Yes” and click Enter.

All numbers, except 0 and 5, specify the direction of movement on the screen. “Five” serves as LMB (double-clicking replaces double-clicking, “+” is use for the same purpose), “-” – RMB. “0” holds the selected paddle button, “.” – lets go. Pressing NumLock interrupts the emulation mode, pressing it again restores it. This function is completely disable by opening the dialog box (as in step 1) and clicking on “No”.

Exit to desktop and taskbar

The cursor controlled by the keyboard does not move very fast. The situation can be simplified by using the win + d combination. Thus, folders are opened and shortcuts placed on the desktop are launched. By pressing win + d, we see a selection on one of the icons. We move between the icons using the arrows, and using Enter we open folders and launch program shortcuts.

If the open application window does not allow you to go to the desktop, try using the win + m combination.

To go to the taskbar, go to the desktop and press Tab. We also switch between system elements using Tab, between applications opened by the user – arrows, launch programs – Enter, and open drop-down lists with a space.

Managing windows

To work in the active folder or application, use the Tab, Alt, arrow keys. Close all windows one by one with Alt+F4.

We call the task manager

To call, press ctrl+shift+esc. Next, we use the keys that were describe in the previous paragraph. We end the active process with delete and confirm the action with Enter.

Restart the computer and lock the screen

Reboot the PC by pressing Alt+F4 or ctrl+alt+delete. Or go to “Start” and select the desired action.

The lock screen is called by the win + L combination. But in order for this function to work, we first set a password on the computer.

As you can see, using the keyboard, you can perform various actions without a mouse. Next, we will provide a list of hotkeys that allow you to master other useful functions.

The mouse for the computer is frozen – how to turn off the car

First of all, many users in this case pull out the power cable from the network or hold down the Power button on the system unit. Experts do not recommend doing this, because such actions lead to the failure of the operating system, as well as the work of the hard drive and the motherboard. Use the keyboard to shut down or restart the computer using any of the methods described above (the Power key on the keyboard will also help turn off the machine).

If the keyboard does not have a Power key, then there are several useful combinations:

  • Ctrl+alt+delete. A menu appears on a blue background, where we use the Tab key to get to the shutdown button in the lower right corner. Then press Enter, use the arrows to select “Shutdown” and confirm again Enter. In case there is a problem with the monitor, write yourself instructions to turn off the computer blindly. Specify how many times in your Windows OS to press Tab and arrows.
  • Alt+F4. The combination closes all folders and applications in turn, after which it offers to turn off the PC in the system window. If the line does not indicate “Shutdown”, but another value, select the desired action with the arrows and confirm Enter.
  • win. We open the “Start” in this way, press Tab once and go down to the shutdown button. Next, use the arrows and Enter to select the desired option.
  • win+x. We open a new menu design for Windows 10 (it is also turn on by pressing the RMB on the Start button) and also select shutdown.

Shut down the PC using the Shutdown command

We use the shutdown -s -t 00 command. It can be enter in the Run window (by calling it with win + r) or at the command line. The PC will immediately turn off.

Shutdown also offers other options:

Command& Action

shutdown /s / Shuts down the system after 60 seconds

shutdown /r / Reboots the operating system after 60 seconds

shutdown /l / Ends the user’s session

shutdown /r /t 0 / Specifies the time after which the system will reboot (leave zero – the action will be perform immediately, specify another value, e.g. 30, i.e. after 30 seconds)

shutdown /s /t 0 / Specifies the shutdown time option

shutdown /a / Undoes the previous command

For convenience, some users assign their own hotkeys to shut down the computer. Consider the algorithm:

  • Click on an empty area of the RMB desktop and select “Create” → “Shortcut”.
  • -s -t 0 specifies the location of the exit object and continues.
  • Name the shortcut, for example “Disabled” and click “Finish”.
  • Right-click on the newly created shortcut and go to “Properties”.
  • We click on the “speed dial” line and enter the key combination ctrl + alt + to select any letter, for example r.

In the future, the user will launch a shortcut that will shut down the machine by pressing the hotkey assigned to them.

How to connect a wireless mouse to the computer

The wireless computer mouse gives the user more freedom of control compared to its “tail brother”. For example, sitting on the couch and viewing photos, movies, etc. Windows laptops use standard Bluetooth and Wi-Fi technologies. Not always on a stationary computer, but a wireless module is install. Check its presence in your system volume with “Device Manager”. If you don’t have a module, buy a special adapter.

Bluetooth mouse

Bluetooth mouse is very commonly use nowadays. It gained popularity due to its low latency and faster response speed. To connect the manipulator, open “View devices…” in the control panel and click on “Add device”. Turn on the mouse and press the pairing button (see the instructions for your model, if available). When the driver name appears in the window, click it and click “Next”. At the end of the process, complete the process by activating the “Finish” button. The mouse connects immediately after system startup.

Mouse radio frequency

The RF receiver that comes with the mouse allows you to use the mouse with new and old models. To connect the device, plug the receiver into the USB port. Windows automatically installs the appropriate software. Turn on the manipulator and connect the button (if present).

To prevent wireless mouse from running out of power, turn them off when you are done using the computer.

Keyboard Shortcuts – Computer can work without mouse

Keyboard shortcuts allow you to operate your computer without a mouse.

Combined& Action

win + R / Activates the “Run” line, which allows the user to open programs and access PC functions, via input commands

win+E / Opens the Computer folder in Windows 7 and File Explorer in Windows 10

win+Pause / Gives you access to window and system settings

win+X /In Windows 8 and 10, opens the Start button menu, which is usually activate with the right mouse button and provides access to system functions.

Win+I / Opens system settings in Windows 8 and 10

win+S / In Windows 8 and 10 calls the search function

win+M / Closes all active windows and highlights one of the desktop icons. The user selects the desired icon using the arrows and starts the associated software or opens the folder by pressing Enter.

win+D / Does the same as win+m. The only difference is that pressing win+d a second time reopens all minimized windows.

Alt+Tab / If you hold down the Alt key and briefly press Tab, a list of all open programs appears. While holding down the Alt key, select the desire window with the arrows and release the Alt key

ctrl+alt+del or ctrl+shift+esc / Activate “Task Manager”

win+F1 / get help in “Windows”

There are also different commands to work in programs, applications, browser. So if the computer doesn’t see the mouse, we use the capabilities of the keyboard. They are not unlimite, but they are wide enough. And experience users often use keyboard shortcuts to speed up their work and not waste time on mouse clicks.


We told you what to do if your computer mouse is not working. Various keyboard shortcuts not only allow you to do without a manipulator, but also speed up work. Contact Spectr IT experts for assistance if your computers require preventive maintenance or if your machine is running slowly. We will analyze the problem and provide the best ways to solve it.

Read more: Mouse Price in Pakistan

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