Saturday, July 27

Activities in Iquitos Peru

Iquitos is Peru’s biggest jungle city, and it is located in the northern part of the Amazon. It is the capital of Loreto, Peru’s largest city, which is almost a third of the country’s territory. The best way to get to Iquitos is by flight. You can choose river travel, but it can take you up to one week to get there, and the journey will be hot and uncomfortable. If you have always wondered what it’s like to be in the Amazon Basin, taking a trip there will definitely be an unforgettable experience. There are so many exciting things to do in this vibrant jungle metropolis.

What to do in Iquitos, Peru

One cannot visit Iquitos and not take a tour of the Amazon Jungle. And, while there are several places that offer tours, there are always some places that seem to stand out, for instance, the Selva Vida Lodge & Retreat Center. You will find this lodge and retreat center in the picturesque village of Santa Maria; it is just an hour’s boat ride from Iquitos. This location boasts 14 hectares of jungle land and two lovely houses, complete with three guest rooms in each. The property also features a maloka for those who love yoga and meditation. Guests are offered three healthy and sumptuous meals every day.

This lodge and retreat center offers visitors 2 to 4-day guided tours that showcase the beauty of the Amazon Jungle. Examples of places that you can be sure to visit include Monkey Island, Alligator Farm, and the largest tree in the Amazon, and you can also go fishing for piranhas or go and watch the pink and grey river dolphins. Their experienced tour guides will make sure that you will have an unforgettable time.

Amazon Jungle Tours in Iquitos, Peru

If you do not have a lot of time in Iquitos, you can take a one-day tour of any of the following places:

The Amazon River

One cannot plan a trip to Iquitos and not make time to go on an Amazon River tour. This mighty river, surrounded by dense forests is the protector of 20% of the earth’s fresh water. Tourists flood this South American wonder every year to cruise the mighty Amazon River and enjoy the beautiful views of the diverse fauna below and above the surface. An experienced tour guide will be there to ensure that you have the experience of a lifetime.

The Amazon Rescue Center

If you love animals, then you are going to enjoy a tour at the Amazon Rescue Center. Founded in 2007, this center is a sanctuary for injured and orphaned manatees. When guests visit the center, they are taught how to interact with endangered animals. Tourists have the rare opportunity of watching baby and adult manatees that have been rescued in their natural pools. If you have the time, you can also volunteer at the center.

The Amazon Refuge Wildlife Conservation Center

Tourists who visit this Conservation Center get to enjoy activities like photography, cultural and wildlife trips, as well as bird watching. It is also the perfect place for wildlife enthusiasts and research teams. If you visit this Conservation Center, you can also enjoy walks in the rain forest where you get to see a wide variety of unique animals and plants. There are more than 100 species of mammals that visitors can see, including the pink Amazon dolphin, jaguars, and monkeys. Visitors can also catch a glimpse of some of the over 500 species of birds in the rainforest.

Amazon Jungle Lodges at Santa Maria, Iquitos

Because the Amazon Jungle Tour Iquitos Peru is a popular tourist destination, there are plenty of options for lodges and hotels. From budget hostels to luxurious hotels, visitors who come to Iquitos are spoilt for choice. Although it is unlikely that you will have any problems finding somewhere to stay or finding transport services when you arrive in Iquitos, it is always best to make your bookings in advance. That way, you can avoid unnecessary traveling anxieties. If you have plans to visit Iquitos, it is important to note that you will be in the middle of the jungle. As such, it is not uncommon to experience things such as patchy Wi-Fi. For the jungle enthusiast, this should not be much of an issue as the main goal is to enjoy nature in its truest form.

One of the best places to stay when you get to Iquitos is Selva Vida. Situated in the lovely village of Santa Maria, this resort is an hour’s boat ride from Iquitos. The resort is located on a hill, and it offers beautiful views of the Amazon River in the front with a backdrop of the Amazon Jungle.

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